Personal Project
The wind – you either love it or hate it. It touches, embraces, heats and even freezes you. It’s just there. Humankind has had a fascination with it forever – its been the subject matter of poems, films and songs. Him & Her created an homage to the wind in this experimental film. Him (Fred Flade) has always loved the wind, whereas Her (Luiza Cruz-Flade) has always hated it.
Design & Animation: Luiza Cruz-Flade
Production company: Social-Début
London Short Film Festival 2017 (United Kingdom)
19th Backup Festival 2017 – Bauhaus (Weimar, Germany)
Bogotá Experimental Film Festival / CineAutopsia 2017 (Colombia)
KRAF International Film Festival 2016 (Croatia)
Figueira Art Film Festival 2016 (Portugal) - Finalist